Project MIDST (Monitoring for Information and Decisions using Space Technology) is an initiative by Kenya Space Agency that seeks to support the National and County Government institutions to address the gaps and challenges highlighted in the assessment report on hardware, software, human resource and spatial data. The aim of the project is to use new and advancing geospatial technologies to co-develop various Earth Observation products and applications, with stakeholders, that could be used by the stakeholders to achieve certain goals within their mandate.

Open Access
To Data/Insights

The Kenya Space Agency and its partnering organizations have initiatives to publicly avail datasets in relation the following thematic areas:

  • Agriculture
  • Climate and Weather
  • Natural Resource
  • Spatial Planning and Disaster

Engagement With

Partners and Stakeholders

Project MIDST (Monitoring for Information and Decisions using Space Technology) is an initiative by Kenya Space Agency that seeks to support the National and County Government institutions to address the gaps and challenges highlighted in the assessment report on hardware, software, human resource and spatial data. The aim of the project is to use new and advancing geospatial technologies to co-develop various Earth Observation products and applications, with stakeholders, that could be used by the stakeholders to achieve certain goals within their mandate.

The following institutions have participated in the project in one way or another.